Getting out of a funk

Hello Reader,

It wasn't so long ago I felt trapped inside my own prison - the prison of financial anxiety!

Have you ever experienced that?

You worry non-stop about not having enough money.

When it comes to business building, that's the #1 stressor!

Yes, we want to build a sustainable business with meaning that gives back to our community.

But you can't keep the business going without the oxygen it needs: profit!

The irony is that the more you worry about money in your business, the further it slips from your hands.

Instead, you need to let that pressure go to allow more of it to come in.

This can be hard to do when you're struggling with practical concerns like keeping the lights on and food on the table.

Here's what can help:

Giving a simple command to your mind to handle it.

Yes, it's as simple as that.

You have an aspect of your mind called the superconscious mind that's powerful beyond measure.

It can shift your attention from negative and disempowering to positive and empowering in minutes.

Try it.

The next time you're stressed about money for your business, just say:

Superconscious, please deal with that.

Then bring attention to your breath and notice what comes up.

Keep breathing until you feel calmer.

Then go on about your day. Your superconscious mind continues to help you release the pressure in the background.

If you want to learn more about this method I've used to keep moving forward in my business no matter how difficult it gets, come to my free masterclass.

You can watch it now by clicking the yellow button below.

See you there!


Sharon Singh Sidhu

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