
Sharon Singh Sidhu

Design your career to support the life you want so you don't have to squeeze your life into the demands of your work.

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A Simple Way to Manage Money That Doesn’t Make You Feel Like Throwing Up

Hello Reader, Having tried many budgeting apps and tools, I’ve concluded that low-tech and simple is best. There are countless tools, apps, spreadsheets, and even courses and programs teaching you fanciful money management techniques. All they do is distract you and avoid the inevitable truth behind why you think you need all these fancy tools: That somehow using these fancy tools will make you feel better and more confident about managing your money. That’s just not true. The real reason...

5 days ago • 3 min read

Hello Reader, Everyone loves to learn how to make money passively, right? Nothing beats having money drop into your bank account while you do nothing. What’s more, in today’s world, your salary from your job is not catching up with the rising cost of living. Many people want to make more money without spending additional time and energy they don’t have. Unfortunately, many people never really make passive income because of the misplaced idea of what passive income is. Hard truth: Passive...

12 days ago • 4 min read

Hello Reader, You don't need more of the thing you think you need to get the result you want. Examples: You don't need more money to feel financially secure. You don't need more time to start that dream business. You don't need more qualifications to be an expert. Instead, you need to stick with a few fundamental concepts and improve at applying them. I've been studying how successful people became successful. They may say it differently, but they all say some variation of this - Their...

18 days ago • 1 min read

The best money guide ever! What would make you say 'This is the best money guide ever!'? I'm creating a free guide to help women overcome financial anxiety and be financially secure. I'd love to hear your feedback about what you'd like included in the guide. When I found myself in a 6-figure debt, with no income because I left my job, I felt completely lost and alone. I didn't know where to start or what to do about my financial situation. All I remember was staying awake at night, worried...

21 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, It's easy to get all excited when you're starting something new, like a side hustle. You dream of making it big like the people you see online. You invest in all the fancy tools, create courses, get ready to scale, and leverage your time in anticipation of the hundreds of clients and customers you expect to have. Only to discover it takes a lot more than you thought. It took me years to learn this expensive lesson. But when I did, I decided to streamline everything and focused...

26 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, My kids and I were talking about how so many of Taylor Swift's and Beyoncé's songs aren't that good. Sorry if you're a fan! We love their music, but they have quite a few songs that just aren't that good. But those that were hits? Those became huge and made them the megastars they are today. I recently ran a workshop that didn't do as well as I'd expected. But one great thing that happened? I got fantastic feedback and data points to improve on the next one. Maybe I'll let it...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, There will always be scary financial situations no matter how much money you make. The more money you make the bigger the scale of financial scary moments. Regardless of where you are financially, being able to handle scary financial challenges is the key to becoming financially successful. Because it means you never let money control your actions. You're always clear-headed, no matter how scary the financial challenge is. I make way more money now than I used to, and I still...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, When I decided to make more money so I could have the freedom to live the lifestyle of my dreams, I realized I wasn't willing to do what it took to have this. Like: Facing up to my current financial situation Being honest about my part in contributing to this Learning how to improve my current financial situation Opening my mind to consider other perspectives about money And the clincher...allowing myself to believe, even just a tiny bit, that I had what it took to make the...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, Worries about money used to keep me up at night. I'd wake up in the middle of the night worrying about money. Money worries would be the first thing I'd think about when I woke up. I worried about the higher electricity bill from the extra air-conditioning unit when my kids started sleeping in separate rooms. I'd even fret about the less energy-efficient aircon unit. It seems trivial now when I look back, but it didn't feel trivial then. It was a real, practical problem because...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader, Conventional financial advice is outdated and incomplete. It ignores the root cause of why most people still struggle with money: Not being aware of and understanding their relationship with money. Your relationship with money includes all your stories, beliefs, and values about money. It's formed by what the people around you said or did about money when you were growing up. It continues to be shaped by the people around you now and your own encounters with money. Without being...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read
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