Getting what you want from your career

Hello Reader,

We're almost halfway through 2024.

Have you taken a moment to review how your first half of 2024 has been?

What do you want to focus on for the second half of 2024?

I just completed my May review. I do a weekly and monthly review, where I ask:

  • What went well?
  • What didn't?
  • What do I want to drop or change up?

My goal in 2024 is to streamline and focus on doing 1 or 2 things well.

This includes making friends on LinkedIn and sharing my lessons and insights about career, money, and success. Most of the past 2 decades have been spent raising my kids and working to provide a good life for our family. Now that the kids are growing up, I'm shifting gears to focus on the next phase in my career where I give back by helping women navigate their careers.

This is how it is with our careers. It ebbs and flows with the seasons of our lives.

Switching up pace, intensity, and focus depending on what season of life we're in. Yet, most people treat their careers like a straight line, starting at some entry level and progressing upward until they retire.

The reality is that our careers are more like cycles and seasons. Sometimes they take detours, u-turns, and slow down before speeding up again. Some parts even die so that new life can emerge. This is normal, and the whole point of it all, so we get to learn and grow along the way.

Unfortunately, many people get discouraged and disillusioned when things don't go as they expected (me included). But the results and outcomes we want are just signposts. They guide us to become the kind of people who get those results.

You don't get the result you want unless you first become the kind of person who gets those results.

With 2024 halfway through, take a few moments to reflect on the past half a year, and set your priority for the next half.

Who do you have to become to get what you want in your career?

This will be your focus for the second half of 2024 so you can go make that happen!


P.S. If you want some help figuring out the best career strategy for the season of life you're in, book a call and we can talk about it. CLICK HERE TO BOOK YOUR CONSULT CALL.

Sharon Singh Sidhu

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