How to turn challenges into opportunities

Hello Reader,

This past week was a busy one at work. I was facilitating a 2-day in-person leadership workshop.

It meant I didn't have as much time as I would have liked for my side business building activities.

Everyone has days like these - often, these are the normal days - you get through 1 out of 5 items on your to-do list.

My previous self would've felt irritated and annoyed because she couldn't do the things she wanted to do for her business.

She would have felt and said 'there's never enough time!'.

But the current version of me that's connected to my higher self now knows better.

I know when I have days like that, it means I'm learning to:

  • Get clear on my top priorities
  • Be grateful I have a job I love to do
  • Reinforce my gifts of speaking and inspiring
  • Master my mindset, emotions, time and energy

Instead of getting frustrated and resist when things aren't going my way, I now use them as cues and opportunities to act and feel in the completely opposite way.

Because if you want results you've never gotten before, you must do things in a way you've never done before.

How about we behave as the version of ourselves we want to be, for example:

  • Previous version of me: Worried, scared, anxious and irritable.
  • New version of me: Calm, confident, composed, and totally in control.

Let's start the coming week looking at challenges we encounter as opportunities to behave as the new version of ourselves.

Happy Sunday.


P.S. I've been working on my upcoming free course, 6 Secrets to Taking Consistent Action In Your Business Without Burning Out [Working Title]. CLICK HERE to receive it when it's available.

Sharon Singh Sidhu

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