If I hear another new year's resolution...


Why do we keep doing it again and again?

Make and break new year's resolutions?

Because we have this incredible thing called the human spirit.

You're more resilient than you give yourself credit for.

Here's the evidence:

You're here, reading this email, in spite of everything that's happened in your life.

This shows you how resilient and strong you already are.

You don't need anything else to believe this.

So yes, set that 2025 goal.

Break it by next week.

But you know what will happen?

Yes, you'll try again. You have to. It's wired in you to survive and keep growing and getting better.

You know what will make it better? Having someone to:

  • Accompany you on your journey.
  • Open your mind to other perspectives and think out of the box.
  • Lead you through a different way to let go of what isn't helpful anymore.

That's what I'm offering you in 2025.

A coach like me.

Be warned though, some possible side effects of working with me:

  • Straight talk and tough love - I'm a pragmatic idealist, I tell it like it is (with kindness though).
  • A personally transformational experience (and you thought we were just working on your career goals).
  • A different life by this time next year (the better it gets, the better it gets)

Curious to learn more?

Click here to apply to work with me 1:1 and I'll be in touch.


P.S. Reply if you have other questions.

Sharon Singh Sidhu

Sign up to receive weekly updates to remove your fears and doubts, connect with your inner wisdom, and use the proven, science-based MAP method to build your dream business while working full-time and raising a family.

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