Journal your way to career success

Hello Reader,

Building a career and life of your dreams is tough.

The highs can feel high - for a brief moment - before they become normal.

The lows can make you question if any of this is worth it.

How can you go through the ups and downs and still flourish and thrive?

How do you keep going?

One thing that's always helped me through thick and thin is journaling.

I've been journaling since I was a child.

It saw me through breakups, career and business failures, times when I was confused and lost, or when my heart was bursting with joy and unbelievable happiness. It's how I remembered to count my daily blessings and stay grounded.

It's amazing how this simple practice has had such a profound impact on my life.

It's become a cornerstone of my life - something I look forward to every morning and evening, like bookends to my day.

A friend I recently met up with suggested I share my journaling practice. It's something I had thought about before, but dismissed it because it seems like such a small thing, surely everyone knows about journaling and how to do it?

Then I thought, why not?

If I can share how journaling has helped me through tough times, achieve my goals, give me clarity, and help me process difficult emotions, why not?

We'll spend an hour going through the basics, and prompts to help you get started, and see what it uncovers for you.

You might discover some treasures you never knew you had hidden in you :)

Sign up HERE if you'd like to join the workshop.

I'll do it sometime in May and you can catch the replay if you can't join live.

Hope to see you then!


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Sharon Singh Sidhu

Ready to rewrite your career story? Get practical strategies for real-world success to thrive in your career and financial life

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