Last 24 hours to reinvent yourself and have the business and life you want


Growing up I was:

  • Shy, quiet and introverted
  • Overweight and hid myself
  • Didn’t feel I had any valuable opinions


  • I speak publicly for a living as a trainer and coach
  • I’ve completed a half marathon and several 10km runs
  • Share my views online and shamelessly promote my business

How you see yourself will determine what results you get in business and life.

If your business isn't where you want it to be, you don't need more trending strategies.

You need to reinvent yourself and most of all, how YOU see and feel about yourself.

To do this:

  1. Identify what you want out of life and why you want it.
  2. Be clear about how this vision makes you feel and feel that now.
  3. Look for someone you admire who already has this kind of life you want.
  4. Study how they see the world/themselves, what/how they do what they do.
  5. Take daily steps to assume the identity and beliefs of this sort of a person for a year.

The most successful people continually evolve and reinvent themselves to create the life they want.

You can too.

As you take steps to change your story and develop a new identity of someone who has the business you want, you will encounter all sorts of mental and emotional blocks. These are just ways your ego is trying to keep you safe - by keeping you in exactly the same place.

These blocks are what I help women to remove so they can accelerate their progress to get results in their business.

If this is what you want, join Momentum Mastery for Women to learn how.

You have 24 hours left to join.

Registration closes tomorrow, 12 noon, Singapore time for the rest of 2024.

Start prepping yourself NOW to show up and win in 2025.

Click here to join Momentum Mastery for Women today.

Still have questions about whether Momentum Mastery for Women is right for you?

Let's talk about it!

Click here to book a call with me and have all your questions answered so you can decide with clarity.


Sharon Singh Sidhu

Subscribe to get weekly tips and insights about growing an online coaching business.

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