Learn to coach yourself to make the right career decisions

Hello Reader,

Ever feel confused like you don't know what to do next in your career?

  • Should you stay in your job or leave?
  • Should you ask for a pay increase or keep quiet?
  • Should you challenge your boss about that performance review or suck it up?

Wouldn't it be nice to talk to someone you can trust, who has the experience and expertise to guide you through these decisions and what to do next?

That's what working with a career coach (like me!) can help you with.

But if you're not ready to hire a coach, then the next best thing is to self-coach.

You can do this by journaling.

Journaling helps you:

  • tap into your intuitive mind for guidance- yes, contrary to what everyone told you, your intuitive mind is powerful, fast, and knows what you want.
  • uncover insights and ideas that are within you when you slow down your racing thoughts that overthink and overcomplicate.
  • make concrete plans and take tangible action to get what you want.

Intrigued about how journaling can help you with all 👆?

Then come to my free journaling workshop tomorrow, 23 May, at 8 PM, Singapore time.

​CLICK HERE to get all the details.

See you!


Sharon Singh Sidhu

Ready to rewrite your career story? Get practical strategies for real-world success to thrive in your career and financial life

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