Let go of that needy, desperate energy


So much of our stress and anxiety over money comes down to feeling afraid we're not going to be ok.

We try to cling on to what we believe will bring us financial security-

  • A husband/partner
  • A business
  • A career
  • Clients
  • Sales

I get that we all have bills to pay.

But doing this with a needy, desperate energy just makes everything so much harder than it has to be.

What if you could go all out for the life you want to create,

the money you want to make,

the lifestyle you want to live,

and do it with solid confidence?

With calm and clarity,

peacefully, with a quiet, relaxed pace about it?

Even just reading this, do you notice how different it feels?

This is where your strength and wisdom lies.

This is where no matter how chaotic and rough it gets outside, you're centered, cool, and collected.

This is how you do great things,

to inspire people, and draw them in.

The result?

  • Deep, fulfilling relationships
  • Thriving business
  • Satisfying career
  • Clients you love
  • Hot leads
  • More sales

There's a time to push hard, but there's also a time to slow down to get what you want.

You go about everything you want to create with a 'I-want-it-but-I-don't-need-it' vibe.

This is what I help women do.

To find that balance between when it's time to push a little harder and when it's time to pause to receive direction,

to let go of that desperate, needy energy,

to draw on your inner wisdom,

so that you create everything you want from a powerfully confident place.

Isn't that why we want financial freedom?

Ultimately, it's to know we're going to be okay.

We have everything we need.

That we won't suffer.

If this is what you've been looking for, book a call with me to experience it firsthand.

I use a scientifically proven way called the MAP Method to help you do this.

But instead of telling you more about it, I'd like to invite you to experience it yourself.

From now until 25 January 2024, I'm offering a 50% discount on my coaching program,

12 Weeks to Financial Confidence

When you sign up during this time, you'll also get an additional free 1:1 coaching session with me.

Book your call now for a free MAP trial

and see if this is what you'd like to do,

so you can take action to create the life you want with calm, clarity and confidence.


Sharon Singh Sidhu

Ready to rewrite your career story? Get practical strategies for real-world success to thrive in your career and financial life

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