Let's do it differently, shall we?


Today is the last Sunday in 2024.

So tempting to do it like everyone else -

  • Review your 2024
  • List improvements you'll make
  • Define where you're going in 2025

Let's do it differently, shall we?

It's great to reflect and set direction for career and lives, of course.

But I've found things like 'goal setting' just let me down - I often don't hit my goals.

Then I just end up feeling disillusioned, disappointed, and no good.

So instead of doing the conventional year-in-review and goal setting for next year, I'm chunking it down even more.

I'm sure you already know what you want.

If you're an ambitious mom like me, perhaps it's:

  • Time with family
  • Money for the future
  • Energy to pursue what you love

However you define what you want, you'll know what it is when it feels so good, right?

I prefer daily and weekly tasks that take me in the general direction I want to go.

Because I never imagined when I started my professional life and motherhood journey I'd be here today.

But one thing remained constant -

I've always been guided by my heart, and what feels good to me. Even when it was tough. Somehow, in the confusion, fear, doubt and pain, I've always found my way to land here, where I am today.

And so have you.

So set your broad general direction.

Then take baby steps daily.

Celebrate the milestones.

Stay open to serendipity.

This is the beauty of living in the gap of where you are and where you want to be, and the action you're taking, moment-by-moment to move in the direction of your dreams.

Happy 2025!


Sharon Singh Sidhu

I send a weekly newsletter on Sundays and a podcast episode on Mondays revealing how I'm making my career work for me as a full-time working mom with a coaching business on the side. Enter your email below to get these updates.

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