[Podcast] How to make friends on LinkedIn to grow your business (The introvert's edition)

Hello Reader,

2024 was the year I decided to learn how to make friends on LinkedIn.

I'm an introvert and my idea of a fun night is staying home and catching up on my Netflix series and chilling with my family.

Going out to meet strangers in a 'networking' event to grow my business was the last thing I wanted to do.

But it's one of those business activities you know you have to do even if you don't feel like doing it.

Rather than go out in person, an easier step for me was to start networking online.

Having tried FB and IG, I gave up. They just weren't the places for me.

And forget X or TikTok. Too rowdy and too much dancing.

That left me with LinkedIn, which was just a job search and networking platform to me.

But since it was all I had left, I decided to give it a shot and I was pleasantly surprised!

It's where I met this month's podcast guest, Khushi Agarwal (https://www.linkedin.com/in/contentbykhushi/)

Khushi specialises in helping Business Coaches, Founders, and Senior Leaders enhance their presence and authority on LinkedIn.

We connected and chatted on a Zoom call and I learned she has a ton of knowledge and wisdom about growing on LinkedIn.

I'm old enough to be her mom, yet I'm learning so much from her, so I invited her to share her journey of business building.

In this episode, we discussed

  • the importance of having a strong personal brand and presence on LinkedIn
  • why it's especially relevant in today's world of work
  • her journey from her internship days, 9-5 jobs, and now as a founder of her own agency
  • how to transition from working for yourself to having a team
  • the role LinkedIn has played in helping her land opportunities and grow professionally

You can listen on:

If you found the interview valuable, do forward this email to share it with someone you know who's growing on LinkedIn.

Let me know your #1 takeaway from the show by replying to this email or sending me a DM on LinkedIn!

Have a great week.


P.S. Ever thought of creating additional income streams by starting a side business? Reply to this email or book a free, Action Plan Call to create your 4-week plan and start today.

Sharon Singh Sidhu

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