Show & tell: How I turned this idea into reality!

Hello Reader,

Transforming your idea or vision into reality in the 3D physical world takes time, effort and energy.

You're moving something from the light, fast and metaphysical world of ideas and inspiration into the heavy and dense physical world of a tangible thing!

During this process of transformation, CONSISTENT ACTION IS EVERYTHING.

It's the difference between dreamers and practical dreamers (me!).

I love the term our beloved LKY used to describe himself: a pragmatic idealist.

It's what I aspire to be too.

The past couple of weeks have been spent transforming my dream and idea:

To create a free masterclass sharing the method I use to take consistent and focused action to achieve my goals.

The inspiration to do this came after I got locked out of LinkedIn a few weeks ago.

I decided to re-focus my attention on building my email list.

The masterclass is finally ready to go live!

What you see is the final product: A 30+ minute recorded masterclass.

But what it entailed included:

  • Doing the slides and editing at least 5Xs
  • Recording the video, editing it, and doing 4 retakes
  • Uploading it into my video hosting provider and checking all the right settings and descriptions
  • Writing out all the emails that go along with the masterclass after you've watched it to follow up with those who want to learn more about it
  • Creating the landing page for people to sign up and get the free masterclass
  • Setting up the tags, email sequences, and automations that go behind this recorded masterclass

There were so many other micro-steps I had to take to make this idea come alive.

I was working on it while keeping everything else in my life and business going too.

That's what it takes when you're truly inspired to do something.

It takes effort for sure, but it's also fun and so rewarding - and that's the key to staying consistent with anything!

I'm very pleased and proud of what I've done with the masterclass.

If you're curious and want to watch it, just click the bright yellow button below:

I'd love to hear what you have to say about it!

Talk to you soon!

P.S. I also created a short 4-day email series where I share my takes on money, time, and energy as it relates to growing a business. This will be automatically started when you click that beautiful bright yellow button too.

Sharon Singh Sidhu

Subscribe to get weekly lessons and insights about growing your online coaching business in a clear, calm, and consistent way.

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