Reader, Do you take the boring, everyday, mundane routines for granted? I did and never thought I'd miss my daily routines so much after a 2-week family vacation! Anticipating the trip was way more fun than when we were actually on the trip - never thought I'd say this. After 2 weeks of vacation time, I couldn't wait to get back to my boring, everyday routines! Many people think the success they want is found in the latest trend, strategy or hack. Or adding more to their plates. When actually, it's much simpler than that - it's about eliminating all non-essentials until you get plain, old, boring, routines. Showing up consistently over time for your key priorities is the key to getting the big results you want. My priorities for 2025 are:
The routines I have around these priorities are 90% the same as before. I've found it's repeating and iterating on the small, consistent actions that get you real results in the end. Plus, it makes it so much easier when you don't have to reinvent the wheel, add more to-do's or overcomplicate it. If you miss a day, just get back to it the next day. Simple. Here's how to set up your plain, old, boring routines that get results:
If you want help doing this, book a coaching call with me. We'll chat for 30 minutes and you'll walk away with -
Let's make 2025 a year of small, consistent actions that get big results by the end of the year. Click here to book your call. Sharon |
I send a weekly guide on Sundays and a podcast episode on Mondays about thriving in career and motherhood. Enter your email below to get these updates.
Reader, Is there something you've been wanting to try but feel hesitant about? Today's podcast episode is for you then! I recently tried a crystal sound healing and chakra balancing session when I was in Bali. If you don't know what this is, sound healing is an ancient practice that uses the power of sound vibrations to promote healing and relaxation. The idea is that since our body is made up of 70% water, these sound vibrations and frequencies help calm you. When your energies are out of...
Reader, I need to start this with a disclaimer: this is not financial advice and I'm not a financial advisor. Instead, I share my personal experience controlling my money instead of letting money control me. This is my version of making the money I need for the life I want. It's not just about making all the money in the world. Because I'm not sure I want to be that sort of a person or do what it takes to have that much money. In this week's podcast episode, I give a different take from what...
Reader, Why do we keep doing it again and again? Make and break new year's resolutions? Because we have this incredible thing called the human spirit. You're more resilient than you give yourself credit for. Here's the evidence: You're here, reading this email, in spite of everything that's happened in your life. This shows you how resilient and strong you already are. You don't need anything else to believe this. So yes, set that 2025 goal. Break it by next week. But you know what will...