[Sunday Digest] Tedious and boring get results

Hi Reader,

Track and evaluate.

These 2 things have been the focus of the week for me.

I know, it sounds tedious and boring.

But tedious and boring are what get results.

I recently talked about tracking your time, energy, goals and to-do's in my 'Start a Side Gig' course.

Although I spoke about tracking in terms of your time, energy, and business goals, this concept of tracking is applicable in other areas of your life where you want to get results, like:

  • Money
  • Health
  • Business

But tracking is pointless if you don't evaluate the activities you're tracking.

The goal of tracking is so you can analyze what's working, what's not, and what needs improving.

Here's what I've learned simply by tracking and evaluating:

  • Money: This is where I started the practice of tracking and evaluating. Haven't done a review in a while so time to do this.
  • Health: Started tracking my nutrition and realized there are some unhealthy habits to replace.
  • Business: I've been busy creating content without tracking and evaluating the outcomes!

By tracking and evaluating, I've streamlined my daily activities to focus on the critical few activities that matter.

If you want to start, get my video training to do a Time and Energy Audit.


It's what I used to diagnose my source of overwhelm and lack of focus and time.

This was how I created a simple, structured, and standardized plan with daily, weekly, and monthly to-do's to build my side hustle.

Simple and structured gets done.

Big and complicated gets ditched.

It's these small, nuanced, tweaks we make over time that get big results.

Tracking and evaluating help you know what you can or can't do based on where you are now.

It's a reality check to get honest with yourself.

When you know with objective data exactly where you stand, you can take the steps needed to go where you wanna go.

So start tracking and evaluating the area of your life you've been feeling dissatisfied with so you can take concrete action to improve your situation.

Watch the video training on tracking your time and energy. You can adapt the idea to other areas of your life.


Have a great week!


P.S. If you enjoy reading my articles on Medium, here are my latest ones:

Sharon Singh Sidhu

Ready to rewrite your career story? Get practical strategies for real-world success to thrive in your career and financial life

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