The single most important ingredient to success

Hello Reader,

I've noticed this trend recently.

A lot of successful people are saying the same thing.

The single most important ingredient to their success has been

  • Patience

They've said it in different ways, like

  • Delusion
  • Stupidity
  • Putting in the reps

But they all point to this singular spirit of having patience.

Patience to do the work.
Patience to practice and improve.
Patience to continue even when it's boring.
Patience to allow the seeds they planted to bear fruit.

Yet in our modern life, instant gratification is the norm.

We expect things to move faster and faster.

And so we end up feeling more and more frustrated. We shift from one thing to another when we're impatient for results.

It's the same when building the career of our dreams. I have the benefit of hindsight - I'm turning 50 this year.

When I look back, the dots connect so obviously. But never during the time I'm on the dot!

If you're feeling like things aren't moving, maybe you just need a little patience.

It's hard, I know, when you're ambitious, you feel like you're on the clock, and running out of time.

But the whole point of it all is the journey, and what you make out of it.

Whether you enjoy yourself on this journey, burn yourself out, or worry about it non-stop.

Take a moment today to reflect back on the dots in your life and career thus far.

  • How have they connected?
  • What's worked out well?
  • How did the tough times prepare you for what you want?

I'll bet you'll see how they connected beautifully, somehow.

Talk to you again next week.


P.S. I'm running my biggest-ever live coaching workshop in June, just in time for a mid-year review. If you want guidance on reviewing your past 6 months, setting goals for the next 6, and putting strategies in place to help you achieve your goals, sign up for the workshop HERE.

Sharon Singh Sidhu

Ready to rewrite your career story? Get practical strategies for real-world success to thrive in your career and financial life

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