Trust things to always work out in the end


I had a very big, pleasant surprise this week.

A heavyweight from LinkedIn, Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi DM-ed me to come on my podcast!

I reached out to her last year when I relaunched my podcast inviting her to be a guest.

She accepted at first, then postponed it because it wasn’t a good time for her.

I thought she probably changed her mind after realizing what a nobody I am.

This is the kind of negative self-talk that goes on in my mind - it's a daily practice to neutralize it's impact on my actions!

When that happened, I was a little bummed out, but I continued publishing podcast episodes anyway.

So when she DM-ed me this week saying she was ready to record, I was thrilled!

Niharikaa is someone I had been following for a while on LinkedIn, and earlier on Medium.

If you’re growing on LinkedIn, you probably already know who she is. Her program, Summit 21, featured LinkedIn heavyweights like Justin Welsh, Tim Denning, Ankur Warikoo and more. If you don’t know who she is, Niharikaa is definitely someone to follow if you want to learn to write and connect authentically with your audience, build your personal brand, or transition to self-employment.

We have similar approaches to growing a business - mindfully building and sharing in public.

Niharikaa shared some very valuable insights when we spoke, like:

  • Her journey to self-employment since age 25 in 2021
  • How her accidental building-in-public experiment catapulted her growth
  • Her mindful approach to content creation - it’s so much easier than you think
  • Finding your niche and writing about it instead of stressing over it
  • Mindset and gratitude practices to cultivate solution-focused thinking rather than anxiety
  • Advice for working moms with a full schedule aspiring to grow a business on the side
  • New projects she’s working on as she ventures into new and unchartered territory

Niharikaa is an inspiration because of her down-to-earth, relatable style.

Our conversation reinforces my belief that you need to trust yourself, go through the process, and something magical always comes out on the other side. Just like how this episode came into being!

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it.

Click the button below to listen on your favourite podcast player:

If you enjoy the podcast, please share it with friends or people you know building a business while living a full life. Also, please rate and review it so the show is recommended to other like-minded people.

Thank you very much and have a wonderful week!


P.S. Whenever you’re ready to work on removing your fears and doubts about starting, building or growing your dream business, download my free MAP guide by CLICKING HERE. I updated it this week to include a link to book a free, personalized MAP session with me if you want to experience what MAP is about. If you've downloaded the guide before, click the link again to get the updated copy!

Sharon Singh Sidhu

Sign up to be notified when I publish my weekly podcast and newsletter. I share tips about doing work you care about that supports the life you want.

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