What are willing to do for your dream?

Hello Reader,

When I started a business, all I wanted was to

  • make extra money
  • have time flexibility
  • do work I love

People online make it sound so easy.

They only show you all the upsides of being an entrepreneur.

But few share the realities of what it takes to be a successful one.

The truth is, it isn't so easy.

If it were, everyone would be sitting on a beach and running their million $$$ business.

What makes it hard aren't the tactics and strategies - you can learn this for free on YouTube.

What makes it hard is how this endeavor will challenge your

  • values
  • beliefs
  • confidence
  • breaking point
  • fundamental truths about yourself

and more.

The road to building the business of your dreams will test what you're willing to do to get the results you want.

Although I started out wanting to do it for freedom over my time, money and the work I do, it's become one of the best self-discovery and personal growth journeys.

What's helped make this journey easier and more enjoyable is learning how to handle my emotions when I face difficulties and setbacks.

I use the MAP Method to help me do this.

MAP is a proven, science-based method to change the way you habitual think and feel about tough experiences.

Like building a business.

When you learn to drop the fear, doubt, and lack of self-belief, things go so much smoother and faster.

If you already know what you're supposed to do to build or grow your business but can't seem to do it, MAP will change that.

MAP will help you replace the old beliefs and identities that's keeping you stuck with those that will get you where you want to go.

Click here to get on the waitlist of Momentum Mastery for Women do to just that when it opens for registration on 15 October.

MMW is a 6-week, all-women LIVE cohort program to get the powerful MAP Method tool to help you go from

  • Overwhelmed by all the things you have to do in your business to having single-minded laser focus on what matters
  • Anxious and stressed out by the lack of results to feeling certain and confident you're making progress on your goals
  • Resistant about taking the necessary actions to flowing with ease and inspiration to prioritize what you need to get done

Only 13% of people complete online courses.

Join the live cohort instead to get accountability, support and encouragement from women building their dream businesses too.

Click here to join the waitlist.

See you then.


Sharon Singh Sidhu

I send a weekly newsletter on Sundays and a podcast episode on Mondays revealing how I'm making my career work for me as a full-time working mom with a coaching business on the side. Enter your email below to get these updates.

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