What does having your dream career mean to you?

Hello Reader,

Do you know what a dream career means to you?

  • making the money you need for the lifestyle you want?
  • doing work that matters and uses your talents and strengths?
  • giving you the time you need to pick your kids up from school every day?

If you want to design a dream career, you have to know what matters to you, so you know when a career supports what matters to you or takes it away from you.

Most people won't give this much thought.

The default is to pick the job that pays you the most.

But everything has a trade-off. What are you willing to trade off in your life for that higher-paying job?

If the answers aren't coming to you immediately, perhaps it's time to get clear on it.

When you're clear about what's important to you and what you're willing to trade off for it, career decisions become simple.

Get your answers in my free career journaling workshop happening later today at 8 PM, Singapore time.

CLICK HERE to get the Zoom link to join and the workbook to begin (or resume) your journaling practice.

See you soon.


Sharon Singh Sidhu

Subscribe to get weekly lessons and insights about how growing your career and business, overcoming financial anxiety, and optimising your time and energy.

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