You don't have to hide in shame about your money situation

Hello Reader,

When I found myself in a 6-figure business debt from a failed business,

and subsequently was let go of the job I took to repay the debt,

I felt like a complete failure.

It didn't make sense.

I was highly educated and privileged.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

I felt I had to keep what was going on in my financial, professional, and personal life hidden away.

It would be too embarrassing if anyone found out.

What would they think? What would they say about me?

I couldn't bear it.

I also had to protect our 2 little ones. I didn't want anyone looking down on them or laughing at them behind their back.

Looking back now, I see so clearly how cruel and harsh I spoke to myself.

This commentary went on repeat in my mind and kept me up at night.

Luckily, something in me refused to give in to this situation.

I decided to turn things around.

That decision led to taking courageous actions like

  • Creating a podcast
  • Growing a business on the side
  • Asking for a pay raise and getting it
  • Creating additional income sources by freelancing
  • Stepping away from climbing the corporate ladder to create a job I love
  • Asking for and getting sponsorship to become a certified MAP Method Practitioner

Why do I tell you all these things?

Because if you're where I was, I know it can feel scary.

Not knowing how you will make it, or where to even begin sorting out the mess.

Worst of all, feeling like you can't let anyone know what's truly happening beneath that brave face you're putting on.

What I've learned is, lots of people are going through something.

Just because no one talks about it doesn't mean it's not happening.

Especially when it comes to money.

We can feel like it's something we shouldn't talk about in public.

But that's not helpful. It definitely won't improve things.

The first step to ending your financial insecurity is to be aware of how money affects you emotionally.

By releasing the emotional hold money has on you, you'll be able to take action with a clear and calm mind.

This is what I help women do.

Book a free trial to learn more about and experience how the MAP Method can help you let go of the stress or anxiety you feel around money.

You don't have to hide or feel like you have to do this alone.


I'll talk to you soon,


Sharon Singh Sidhu

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