
Sharon Singh Sidhu

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What are willing to do for your dream?

Hello Reader, When I started a business, all I wanted was to make extra money have time flexibility do work I love People online make it sound so easy. They only show you all the upsides of being an entrepreneur. But few share the realities of what it takes to be a successful one. The truth is, it isn't so easy. If it were, everyone would be sitting on a beach and running their million $$$ business. What makes it hard aren't the tactics and strategies - you can learn this for free on YouTube....

Hello Reader, You need to hear this: You're not too old to start your dream business. I've been dreaming of being my own boss since my 20s. Between then and turning 50 this year, I've also Raised 2 kids who are now teenagers Checked off travel bucket list destinations Built a successful corporate career as a HR leader, trainer and coach Now, for my second act, I'm ramping up my dreams of being my own boss. This had always taken the backseat as other more important priorities in life took...

Hello Reader, In 2024, I wiped the slate clean and recommitted to putting focused attention on building my business. I've had side hustles on and off since my 20s, selling services, online courses, coaching, freelancing and even a brick-and-mortar café. They never got the traction I'd hoped for. In 2023, I 'gave up'. After years of trying and failing, I was disillusioned and tired. So I scaled back a lot of my business activities in 2023. By the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, the itch...

Hello Reader, After >$200k - business debt from a cafe we closed down >$20k - invested in business programs and coaches > 10 years of side hustling I've learned some expensive yet valuable lessons about building a business. The principles of business building are simple and timeless: Help your people With one problem They will pay money for Ideally, this involves doing work you: Love Are good at Can make money from While it sounds simple, it's actually really hard to have all these converge...

Hello Reader, Quarterly Business Reviews or QBRs are a normal thing in corporate. Yet, for the longest time, I never did it in my business! Funny how I never thought to leverage my >25 years of corporate experience... 'What's measured improves.' Said famous management consultant, Peter Drucker. And it's true. Since diligently tracking my key metrics, I now know exactly what's happening in my business. I know what levers I need to pull to get the results I want. Measuring the right things does...

Hello Reader, Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted doing all the things to grow your business? And still not getting the results you want? Here's the thing I learned about growing a business. It takes time. Way more time than you'd expect. During that time, you'll try everything. But nothing will seem like it's working - even when you follow advice from experts to a T. It isn't because you don't have what it takes to make it. It's because you're figuring out what works for you and your unique...

Hello Reader, In this week's podcast, you’ll hear from Miki Maruko, a Performance Optimisation and Life Coach. Miki helps high achieving women who want to optimize their work and personal lives so that they feel as successful as they look on the outside and have the time and energy to truly enjoy their lives. Prior to starting her own coaching business, Miki had a successful global career in Corporate HR. We go DEEP in this episode and talk about, among other things: Transitions in her career...

Hello Reader, I turn 50 tomorrow. Here are some lessons I've learned from my business building journey that I hope will be useful to you. 1. Allow your journey to evolve. I used to shame myself for having shiny object syndrome. I thought it meant I was fickle and couldn't commit. Now I know it's just a process of evolution as you discover more and more about yourself. It's an ongoing learning process of growth and refinement that keeps getting better and better. There's no need to shame...

Hello Reader, It isn’t easy being the voice of positivity in a sea of negativity. Or grow your business in a way that's different from how most people do it. People call you all sorts of things: Naive Idealistic Unrealistic Delusional Woo-woo Privileged Out of touch with reality I may be all of those things. But when I see others experiencing great success because they’re: Naive Idealistic Unrealistic Delusional Woo-woo Privileged Out of touch with reality It makes me think: I can do it too!...

Hello Reader, I've been building businesses on the side for a long time. Friends ask ME, 'You're still at it?' 'How do you stay consistent?' Growing a business takes time. There are many steps to take and skills to learn, such as: Discovering your niche Uncovering your strengths Learning new skills Matching these to what the market wants All this on top of dealing with your real life like: Raising the kids Putting food on the table Keeping the lights on Taking care of elderly parents Working...