It's gonna take 10X more than what you expect

The Sunday Digest

Hello Reader,

Whatever you dream of creating, it's gonna take 10X more out of you than you expected.

  • 10x longer than you planned
  • 10x more money than you budgeted
  • 10x more challenges than you anticipated

Being financially confident and successful is a lifelong journey.

But it doesn't mean it can't be an enjoyable and fulfilling one.

Most people give up on their dreams and goals because:

  • They ran out of money
  • It didn't happen fast enough
  • Their negative chatter got too loud

But if you already know it's going to take 10X more than you expect, you can prepare for this by:

  • Having more cash reserves
  • Buffering more time for the outcomes you want
  • Learning strategies to deal with your inner critical voice

I'll be sharing how you can do these at my upcoming workshop, Financial Confidence for Women on 4 April 2024, 8 PM GMT+8.

Learn how to:

  • Get clear on your financial vision
  • Connect with your wisdom to fulfill your vision
  • Trust yourself to take action based on your wisdom
  • Clear all obstacles and challenges getting in your way

Click here to register.

See you then.


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Sharon Singh Sidhu

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