Mission-oriented or Money-oriented?

Hello Reader,

Someone shared on LinkedIn recently that she didn't want to continue growing her business.
Growing her company would have meant she had to get into a competitive headspace.
She said it would lead her to become money-oriented.
And she wanted to be mission-oriented instead.

Society has conditioned us to believe if you're money-oriented, you can't be mission-oriented, and vice versa.

But why do you have to be either one or the other?
Why not be both money-oriented and mission-oriented?
Being both money and mission-oriented enables you to:

  • lift others,
  • expand your experiences,
  • give your family a better life,
  • live comfortably, even luxuriously,
  • make an impact in your community,

What's wrong with that?

You need to be money-oriented so that you can be mission-oriented -
the more money you make, the bigger the impact you can have.

I used to be conflicted because I desired to be financially successful.
On the one hand, I wanted to make as much money as I possibly could.
On the other hand, I felt bad and guilty, as if by making more money I'd become one of those greedy, arrogant show-offs.

But I realized these were just old stories and beliefs I grew up with.

I could rewrite my money stories and beliefs to make financial success a good thing.

This inner transformation wasn't easy and it didn't happen overnight.
It began when I took the first step to be brave and look within myself.
The good, bad, and even ugly ways I behaved around money.

I was open to seeing all my hidden, secret stories about money I'd collected over the years.
Then I decided to tell myself different stories and hold new beliefs about money.

Stories and beliefs that would help me achieve all my dreams and goals,
and be the kind of person I wanted to be -
generous, loving, free, and at peace.

This is why I'm passionate about helping women uncover their deep, inner relationships and stories with money.

Doing this inner work can change your life.

Are your money stories and beliefs serving you or preventing you from reaching your financial goals?

Come find out in my next free, all-women workshop,
'Financial Confidence for Women', on
4 April 2024, 8 PM GMT+8

Replays are available by request only. Reply to this email if you want it.


See you there.


Sharon Singh Sidhu

Ready to rewrite your career story? Get practical strategies for real-world success to thrive in your career and financial life

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