Money worries keeping you up at night? Try this.

Hello Reader,

Worries about money used to keep me up at night. I'd wake up in the middle of the night worrying about money. Money worries would be the first thing I'd think about when I woke up. I worried about the higher electricity bill from the extra air-conditioning unit when my kids started sleeping in separate rooms. I'd even fret about the less energy-efficient aircon unit.

It seems trivial now when I look back, but it didn't feel trivial then. It was a real, practical problem because I had a 6-figure business debt, ongoing mortgage and car loan payments, young school-going kids, and no income.

A couple of things helped me through that period. If you're going through something similar, I hope they help you.

1. Change your thoughts

As long as you're caught in the thinking loop of doom and gloom, you'll spiral deeper and deeper into worry and despair. What helped me change my thoughts was a simple breathing exercise I'd do the moment I woke up.

All you have to do is count your breaths. Even when worrisome thoughts arise, go back to counting your breaths. You'll begin to notice those worries and tension in your body release as you keep repeating your counts. When you feel calmer, open your eyes, and begin your day.

This exercise trains your mind to be okay with experiencing worries, fears, and bodily sensations from your thoughts. You'll see you can still survive, you can still go on about your day.

You're okay.

2. Take action

Changing your thoughts without taking action guarantees no results.

But what action do you take?

Most of us have been conditioned to dismiss and disregard our own inner wisdom. As you practice the breathing exercise each morning, you'll begin to reconnect deeper with your wisdom. This wisdom is an inner knowing that's in all of us. It gently guides our actions and gives us direction.

Take action based on the guidance you're receiving from your wisdom. There's no fear, worry, or doubt behind that guidance. It's a very gentle, soft, prompting - an idea, a thought, a realization that often comes to me when I'm sitting quietly, listening to my breath.

Changing my thoughts and taking action guided by my wisdom helped me repay the 6-figure debt, ask for the money, time, and work I want, build a business on the side of my full-time job, improve my marriage, and so much more.

It's helped me become happier and feel lighter, even amidst challenging circumstances.

If you'd like to learn more about how simple practices like these can help you achieve your financial goals, then come to my workshop, 'Financial Confidence for Women' happening this Thursday, 4 April 2024 at 8 PM GMT+8.


And even if you don't come to the workshop, I hope you'll try these simple and powerful practices and make them part of your daily routine.

Be well!


Sharon Singh Sidhu

Ready to rewrite your career story? Get practical strategies for real-world success to thrive in your career and financial life

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