[Sunday Digest] It's not enough to have the 'mindset' for success

Hi Reader,

I've been stumbling side gigging for 5 years.

In that time, I've learned quite a few things.

One thing I heard all the time was that the success you want starts with your mindset.

But what exactly about mindset were they talking about?

Which one works?

  • Think positive!
  • Say your daily affirmations!
  • Reframe your thoughts!
  • Reprogram your beliefs!
  • Fake it till you make it!
  • Act as if!
  • Just do it!
  • etc.

All true.


It was missing a starting step.

How do you even get to the point of thinking positively, saying your daily affirmation, reframing your thoughts, reprograming your beliefs, faking till you make it, acting as if, just doing it, etc.?

When I started, all I had was cynicism and resentment.

"Yeah, right. All that doesn't work. I don't believe it. It's just stupid. You're living in denial."

Those were my thoughts. Try reframing that!

I was missing a starting step.

That starting step was an ability to change the unhelpful, negative, skeptical way I was thinking and feeling that affected how I was approaching everything.

I prized all things logical and rational above anything 'spiritual', 'new age', 'woo', or God forbid, 'intuitive'.

I'm a D on the DiSC - that means I'm results-driven. After over 20 years in the corporate world of KPIs, QBRs, and PIPs, I live and breathe results, evidence, and data.

What those acronyms mean essentially is that results are what matters. Results determine how much your bonus is, how many business deals you win, and who gets fired when results are not met.

I needed to see the evidence before I'd believe anything.

Today, I use an approach that combines concrete, logical, data-based strategies with a scientifically proven MAP mindset method to grow my business. This approach incorporates the results and certainty that we humans desire so much with the 'woo' factor that's been scientifically proven to work.

I found my sweet spot that addresses that starting step that was missing for a long time.

I share this in my course, "Start a Side Gig".

And I'm offering a 100% scholarship for this course to 5 women.

Click here to apply.

Apply by 31 October 2023, 12 noon, Singapore time to get it.

See you there.


Sharon Singh Sidhu

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