Will you end 2024 strong?

Hello Reader,

Quarterly Business Reviews or QBRs are a normal thing in corporate.

Yet, for the longest time, I never did it in my business!

Funny how I never thought to leverage my >25 years of corporate experience...

'What's measured improves.'

Said famous management consultant, Peter Drucker.

And it's true.

Since diligently tracking my key metrics, I now know exactly what's happening in my business.

I know what levers I need to pull to get the results I want.

Measuring the right things does 2 things:

  • It shows you what's working so you do more of it.
  • And also what's not so you can refine things.

Pretty simple, right? So why aren't more business owners doing it?

If you're like me, maybe you think it's tedious.

Maybe you don't know which metrics to track.

Or maybe you just hate numbers or think you're not good at it.

I decided to end these assumptions by sitting myself down to really look at it.

I discovered, it's actually not that hard.

Here are some examples of numbers I measure:

  • Audience growth (LinkedIn followers and connections)
  • LinkedIn posts impressions and engagement
  • Conversion rates (email open rate, click-through-rates, masterclass sign ups etc.)
  • Calls booked and done

I've deliberately left out sales and revenue metrics because they are a function of other momentum indicators.

If you're on track on these other momentum indicators, the sales and revenue will come.

It's unavoidable, inevitable.

Yet, most people fixate on those final numbers, neglecting the small steps that help them get there.

These small steps are measured by your momentum indicators.

Tracking momentum indicators is more useful and effective than just the final outcomes of sales $$$.

They tell you exactly what to do more of, and what you still need to tweak and improve or stop doing.

These are things I go through in my 6-week all-women LIVE cohort, Momentum Mastery for Women (MMW).

Registration to the program opens on 15 October 2024.

Click here to get on the waitlist to receive updates when it does.

Can't wait to see your growth so you can end 2024 strong!


Sharon Singh Sidhu

Subscribe to get weekly tips and insights about growing an online coaching business.

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